Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dumb blind faith.

3/13/12 2:00am London time:
We are really off! As I write this we're three hours, two little bottles of white wine and one actually not so bad plane dinner into this trip of a lifetime! (Who knew that beer and wine really are free on a transatlantic flight?) I cannot believe that in five hours, we will land in London and our dream trip will really start. We've been talking and planning for so long that I've almost become immune to how exciting the next five weeks are really going to be. I can't comprehend how many new, exciting adventures we will have and how many memories we will make.  I honestly just can't. 

Before we touchdown, I just want to thank you! Thank you to every person that has listened to our dream for years and been excited with us. Thank you for believing that we could do it and supporting our dream. Thank you to everyone who has given words of wisdom, shared stories (both good and cautionary) about their own experiences, and provided me with the tools and supplies to get this trip off the ground. It has been amazing to know that all of you are rooting for us and are in our corner, waiting to hear and share in our success and maybe even our small failures.  Thank you thank you thank you. 

A short note on the title of this blog...ever since the middle of college, Katlin and I have wanted to go abroad, just for fun and just for us, with no agenda or timeline.  When graduation loomed upon us, we realized that it was really now or never and that we should do everything in our power to make this trip a reality before real life settled in.  Since we began planning, our sort of motto has been "dumb blind faith". We knew that if it was meant to be, it would really happen (and we really really thought it was meant to be!), no matter how intimidating and daunting it seemed at times.  When the dollar signs added up to more than we thought....dumb blind faith. When the dates didn't quite work out...dumb blind faith. When things began to fall right into place and that one overnight train out is exactly what we needed...dumb blind faith. Don't get me wrong, there has been a lot of hard work, planning, researching and worrying in this trip, but at the core, there is always dumb blind faith that it will work out. It may seem overly optimistic and naive, but to us, it was just they way things were going to happen. Dumb blind faith will continue to be with us until April 17th, getting us through booking hostels on the fly, getting up in a new city with little or no plan, and getting by on a fresh out of college kids budget. Dumb blind faith! 

Thanks again for reading this. I hope you enjoy our trip! I can't make any promise about when this will be posted but I will try to keep it as current as possible. Feel free to pass the link on to anyone that I have missed that might want to see it. Talk to you soon! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm thrilled for both you and Katlin! So often before getting a dream in action, life gets in the way... and those dreams are abandoned. Looking forward to reading about the trip as conveyed by you.
