Thursday, March 15, 2012

It's a love hate relationship

This is a little late, but all my posts will probably be slightly out of order so sorry in advanced!

3/14/12 5:00pm Holy guacamole. We just arrived in Dublin and I'm so glad that we get to put these packs in a storage locker and leave them there for a few days instead of carting them around. At the last weigh in, my pack weighed just over thirty pounds. It's like carrying a small child piggyback all the time: every time you put it down, you have to keep your eyes on it to make sure it doesn't wander off. Its hard to go to the bathroom with it because its a hassle. People stare at you, some smile with appreciation and understanding and others stare because of the stream of unpleasantries coming out of your mouth while you try to get it up the stairs.  I love it, but this this pack/child does not love me back and I can't wait to lock it up somewhere. 

1 comment:

  1. only 30 lbs? You're traveling LIGHT! (good for you!). I always worry about going over my allotted 50 lb limit on checked luggage. Of course I don't have to worry about carrying it everywhere... just wheel it into a motel room & try not to buy too much "stuff" while I'm there.
