Monday, March 19, 2012

"Look Left"

Things we don't understand about Europe: -Sinks in the bathrooms. Why on earth the hot and cold waters come out of two different spouts on a sink. There is no way to get them both on your hands at once. It's just impossible. -The traffic patterns. The intersections are so crazy that the City of Dublin has painted either " look right" or " look left" on the street immediately after the curb so you can know which way the traffic is going to come flying at you. The pedestrian walk signs also beep all the time, so they aren't much help either. Honestly, some intersections have at least 4 different streets merging. And not just merging but going in circles around you sometimes it seems. It also doesn't help that the native population just runs across said crazy intersections when they deem appropriate, which makes you think  you can also go but it's just not true.  -Boiled eggs. The outside is well cooked but the inside is runny. Why you would ever do that on purpose is far beyond me. When I bit into my egg that I as so looking forward to this morning and it exploded icky-ness  on my hand and in my mouth, I wanted to cry a little.  -Staircases. All the stairs are very tiny but steep. If you were curious, when you combine these small stairs and a thirty pound pack coming down a two story bus that slams on breaks, you lurch forward and almost get smushed.  It does go to be said that for everything we don't understand over here, there are many more that we understand and love. Like drinking tea multiple times a day. Or walking everywhere instead of using cars all the time. And any variation of beef stew with mashed potatoes. We totally understand that deliciousness. 

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